- All members must complete and submit a membership application, which includes your pledge to fulfill the membership requirements.
- To be a member in good standing, members MUST
- Pay membership fee
- Submit membership application & liability waiver
- Complete work requirements (see below)
- Membership will be required to compete for year-end awards. Points will accumulate once the membership fee is paid and paperwork is submitted. Points will not RETRO back to the beginning of the show year.
- Class discounts will apply as soon as the membership fee is paid.
- Types of Membership
- Family membership shall include parents and all children in the immediate family, to the age of 19 as of January 1st of the current year or until high school graduation.
- Youth membership shall include any youth under the age of 18 with parent or guardian signatures.
- Buy-Out waive work requirements for shows. Buy-Out option must be done by May 1st.
- Fees, per year
- Single/Individual – $25
- Family (parents and children to the age of 19 as of January 1st of the current year in immediate family) – $45
- Buy-Out Single/Individual member – $120
- Buy-Out Family – $240
- Work Requirement In order to provide a quality horse show experience, we must have enough staff for each show and at work bees. We require all members and/or their representative to work a minimum number of RFSC sponsored shows and pre-arranged work bees. Required time is defined as 12 to 16 hours for individual members, and 18 to 24 hours for families.
To be considered an active member all members must work at either the opening or the closing, or at one of the designated work bees.
Some examples of “jobs” are ringmaster, ribbon person, gate person, booth help, barrel setter, judging and club house help. You will not be entitled to RFSC perks and benefits (Year-end Awards) until you have your hours and are considered an active member.